How does the guy do it?  First, it was the Apple and the Mac.  Brought a major corporation back from the brink of bankruptcy.  Then, there’s the iPod, considered essential by its 280 million devotees, and iTunes, which together many believe saved the recording industry.  Seventy-five million iPhones have been purchased since its January 2007 debut.  And most recently, the iPad has sent hundreds of software developers scrambling to create applications.

And in the midst of it all, the guy was near death until a liver transplant seemingly reversed a tragic fate.

You may have guessed I’m talking about Steve Jobs, chief executive officer of Apple, Inc., named CEO of the Decade by a CBS poll.

Few disagree that Steve Jobs is the creative force behind Apple and the very embodiment of the corporation that he and a partner founded in a garage decades ago.

How does the guy do it?

What can we learn about leadership from the corporate sector?  What do we see about leadership when we look outside of the federal government?  What constitutes leadership?  Can it be taught?  Can it be cultivated?  How can the Fish and Wildlife Service – and the greater conservation community – develop the next generation of leaders?  How can we identify them early?

Those questions were at the very center of the work by the Core Team on Leadership and Organizational Excellence.  So, what are they saying?   It’s time to find out  – see their revised draft document online and provide your thoughts on leadership and organizational excellence.