Visions of wildlife and refuges inspired the moving poetry found in the two videos below:
Archive for March, 2011 ↓
Poetry in Motion: ‘Vision Haikus’
The Flint Hills Legacy Conservation Areas Protects Tallgrass Prairie Ecosystem
As we plan for the National Wildlife Refuge System future, we should consider the Flint Hills Legacy Conservation Area model. North America’s tallgrass prairie, the continent’s most diminished ecosystem type, is all but gone. The only remaining expression of tallgrass …
The Future of Fire and Conservation
Fire is a word that can strike fear in some, but to others it’s viewed as something as natural as the rain. One thing is for sure, in this era of climate change, it has the potential to be as …
Environmental Education, Bird Education, Refuges, and Reaching Kids
In the middle February, I participated in a city-partners meeting for FlyingWILD. This is a program of the Council for Environmental Education (CEE) that introduces middle-school students (age 11 to 14) to bird conservation through standards-based classroom activities and stewardship …
Citizen Scientists Boost Refuge-based Research
Even in times of robust funding, our national wildlife refuges rely heavily on volunteers, who perform an estimated 20 percent of the work done in the nation’s 553 refuges. One key need is the monitoring of refuge resources, yet currently …