We’ve had a great time this week creating the sketch for the US NWRS Vision. Based on the feedback we received from the previous iteration, we’ve incorporated the following insights from you into the latest and greatest version:

  • We placed the 4 individuals in the top in their own silos that they are breaking out of.
  • Deleted the face in the earth
  • We’ve invited the viewer to be involved by creating an archway to the wilderness in the center of the drawing
  • Removed “mother earth” and changed the title to “Connecting to the Natural World”

We also added the following:

  • a puzzle element
  • land owner and federal agent
  • Whooping Crane near the impoundment area
  • urban rooftop gardens to the “tomorrow” area
  • a handicapped citizen enjoying the wilderness
  • Aldo Leopold

This is the final sketch. Tomorrow we will finalize the drawing and colorize.

Please contribute your comments below. (You can click on the illustration to view a much larger version.)

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