Videos from the Conserving the Future conference are now posted. This includes all available video from the general sessions, lectures, and workshops. Video may be found by going to and clicking on Video Archives, which will link directly to the America’s Wildlife YouTube channel. Videos on the YouTube channel are listed in labeled playlists for easier navigation. Due to contractual agreements, some video from the conference will not be available. For more information and updates, continue to follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Below is a list of available speeches from the general sessions and lecture series.

Lecture Series

Ian Shive

J. Michael Scott

Dr. Curt Meine

Bob Byrne

Dr. Emilyn Sheffield


General Sessions

Opening Ceremony

Secretary Salazar

Director Dan Ashe

Greg Siekaniec

Jim Kurth

Evan Hirsche

Dr. Sylvia Earle

Prairie Wetland Students

Buddy Huffaker

John Kennedy

Charlie Pelizza

Dr. Gabriela Chavarria

Rick Coleman

Jim Stone

Deb Rocque, Jeff Rupert, Mark Chase, Scott Kahan

Michael Gale

Rebekah Martin

Shannon Smith, Will Meeks

Wendi Weber, Cynthia Martinez

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