
My Experience As an Urban Refuge Intern with Patuxent Research Refuge

I began my position as an Urban Refuge Intern with Patuxent Research Refuge in September of 2012, just as the school year was beginning.  This being an off-refuge position, I spent the majority of my time in schools.  I was …

Patience is the Name of THIS Game

Sunset on the Boardwalk

Gearing up for the shoot.

“It all depends on the moon,” she replied, when I asked her about the best time to cast out into the surf at Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge.  Today was about exploration– of the refuge,

Follow the Journey!

Here are all the ways to follow the Conserving the Future campaign: 

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New Season, New Direction: Strategic Plan surfaces for Interpretation


With spring upon us, the Conserving the Future vision teams continue to work hard pumping out draft products!  The Interpretation and Environmental Education (I&EE) implementation team has been busy drafting two strategic plans. This week, the Strategic Plan for Interpretation

A New Look At Your National Wildlife Refuges


You can hunt on a refuge?

That’s the response National Wild Turkey Federation Director of Education Christine Rolka heard from some of her colleagues after returning from a course at the National Conservation Training Center, a U.S. Fish &

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