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Old and New Ideas we can all Share

Evan Hirsche

The theme of yesterday’s conference programs focused on partners, building constituencies and keeping the Refuge System relevant to a changing America. In the morning lecture series we heard from speakers representing state wildlife agencies, the President of the NWRA, the young conservation leader Juan Martinez, from a group of schoolchildren, and from leaders in the National Wildlife Refuge System.

Check Out Website Updates… New Conference Portal, Speaker Agendas and More!

Our website has a new look and feel to make it easier to navigate the upcoming Conserving the Future: Wildlife Refuges and the Next Generation conference held from July 11 – 14.

The culmination of a yearlong process to charter…

VIDEO: “Ding” Darling Wildlife Society

Birgie Vertesch, Executive Director of the “Ding” Darling Wildlife Society, speaking on “Conserving the Future: America’s Wildlife and the Next Generation” and her vision for the future of the National Wildlife Refuge System.

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Conserving the Future: Wildlife Refuges and the Next Generation