Poster Title of Poster Principal Organizer Category Poster #
No Poster Image Available USA-National Phenology Network – Fish and Wildlife Service Partnership in Phenology Monitoring & Education L. Barnett, [email protected] Climate Change 1
No Poster Image Available Monitoring and Predicting Climate Change Effects on Coastal Refuges Susan Adamowicz, Refuges, Region 5 Climate Change 2
No Poster Image Available Changing climates and the role of Nat’l Wildlife refuges in the conservation of the Great Basin No Information Currently Available Climate Change 3
Anaho Island Nat’l wildlife refuges in the conservation of the Great Basin Donna Withers, FWS Climate Change 4
Assessing Climate Change Threats to Shorebird Habitat: A Decision-making Tool for Developing Adaptation Strategies Dorie Stolley, FWS Climate Change 5
An Economic Assessment of Re-directing Conservation Efforts in Regard to Recent Predictions about the Impact of Climate Change on Waterfowl in the U.S. Prairie Pothole Reg Charles R. Loesch, FWS Climate Change 6
Climate Change and Waterfowl Conservation in the U.S. Prairie Pothole Reg: New Reality or Red Herring? Neal Niemuth, FWS Climate Change 7
Development and Validation of Thermal Models to Predict the Mass Emergence of Mayflies from the Upper Mississippi River Mark Steingraeber, FWS Climate Change 8
Demographic Response of Golden-Winged Warbler to Habitat and Mgmt across a climate Change Gradient in the Core of the Species Range Henry M. Streby, FWS Climate Change 9
Climate Change: adaptation on the Alligator River Nat’l Wildlife Refuge Mike Bryant, FWS Climate Change 10
Landscape Change Detection with High-resolution Satellite Images and Historic Aerial Photographs, Arctic Nat’l Wildlife Refuge, Alaska No Information Currently Available Climate Change 11
Inventory of the Ahklun Mountain glaciers, southwest Alaska No Information Currently Avaialble Climate Change 12
Arctic Grayling Emergence and Development in Odell Creek, Red Rock Lakes Nat’l Wildlife Refuge, Montana Rebekah Levine, University of New Mexico; Jeffrey M. Warren, Red Rock Lakes Nat’l Wildlife Refuge Glenn Boltz, FWS Climate Change 13
No Poster Image Available What’s in the Air?  Air Quality Monitoring in the NWRS Sandra Silva, FWS Climate Change 14
A Hybrid Classification Method for Mapping Vegetation on Agassiz Nat’l Wildlife Refuge Gregory A. Knutsen, FWS Invasive Species 15
Native Prairie Adaptive Mgmt: An adaptive approach to invasive plant Mgmt on FWS-owned native prairies in the Prairie Pothole Reg Bridgette Flanders-Wanner, FWS Invasive Species 16
Native Prairie Adaptive Mgmt: An adaptive approach to invasive plan Mgmt on FWS-owned native prairies in the Prairie Pothole Reg Bridgette Flanders-Wanner, FWS Invasive Species 17
No Poster Image Available Invasive Species Threats to Tamaulipan Thornscrub Habitat Restoration on the Lower Rio Grande Valley Nat’l Wildlife Refuge in South Texas Bryan Winton, FWS; Kimberly Wahl, FWS; Robert Barry, FWS; Scot Edler, FWS Invasive Species 18
Hurricane impacts and colonization of Lygodium microphyllum on tree islands of the Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee Nat’l Wildlife Refuge, Florida No Information Currently Available Invasive Species 19
No Poster Image Available Seasonal and spatial distributions of an invasive snail (Bithynia tentaculata) and its parasitic hitchhikers in the Upper Mississippi River Nat’l Wildlife and Fish Refuge (UMRWFR) No Information Currently Available Invasive Species 20
The effects of mowing on plumeless thistle (Carduus Acanthoides) seed production and native forb diversity and abundance during the early years of a prairie restoration in northern Minnesota Rebecca Esser, USFWS Invasive Species 21
Invasive Exotic Earthworm Populations within Great Lakes Nat’l Wildlife Refuges Lindsey M. Shartell, Michigan Technological University Invasive Species 22
Yellow Crazy Ant Eradication Project at Johnston Atoll Lee Ann Woodward, FWS; Stefan Kropidlowski, FWS; Kendra Maty, FWS Invasive Species 23
Looking to the future: Housing growth and landuse change around the U.S. FWS Nat’l Wildlife Refuge System Patricia Heglund Species Conservation 24
No Poster Image Available Science in the NWR System. Using stable isotopes and Global Positioning System satellite collars to detect resource use: two approaches for conserving arctic grizzly bears Patricia E. Reynolds, FWS Species Conservation 25
Wildlife Refuges and the Next Generation Conference – New England Cottontail “Science in the Nat’l Wildlife Refuge System” Cindy Maynard, FWS Species Conservation 26
Utilizing Adaptive Mgmt in the Recovery of the Endangered Riparian Brush Rabbit at the San Joaquin River Nat’l Wildlife Refuge, California Matthew R. Lloyd, Fws Species Conservation 27
Evaluation of Salmon and alder as drivers of nutrient availability and lake productivity in Southwestern Alaska Stacey Lowe, FWS Species Conservation 28
Dolly Varden life history studies in Southwestern Alaska No Information Currently Available Species Conservation 29
The relative importance of cui-ui (an endangered fish species) to the reproductive success of American white pelicans nesting on Anaho Island Nat’l Wildlife Refuge Donna Withers, FWS Species Conservation 30
Decision Support Tools for Prioritizing and Targeting the Conservation of Grassland and Wetland Resources for Breeding Waterfowl in the Prairie Pothole Reg – the “Thunderstorm Map” Charles R. Loesch, FWS Species Conservation 31
Movements, Survival, and Refuge Use by Ring-Necked Ducks After Fledging Minnesota Charlotte Roy, Christine M. Sousa, David Rave, Wetland Wildlife Populations and Research Group Species Conservation 32
Gadwalls vs. Godwits: Landscape Effects of Waterfowl Conservation on Non-game Birds Neal Niemuth, FWS Species Conservation 33
Conservation and Mgmt of Ornate Box turtles (Terrapene ornata) at Upper Mississippi River Nat’l Wildlife and Fish Refuge Jeramie T. Strickland, FWS Species Conservation 34
Burrowing Owl Conservation at the Umatilla Chemical Depot, Oregon 2008-2011 Michael A. Gregg, FWS Species Conservation 35
Military Bunkers on Nat’l Wildlife Refuges-Conserving Bats in the Face of White Nose Syndrome No Information Currently Available Species Conservation 36
No Poster Image Available Egmont Key NWR – birds Joyce Kleen, FWS Species Conservation 37
Manatee conservation Amber Breland, FWS Species Conservation 38
Wild Rice (Zizania palustris L.) Genetic Diversity at Rice Lake Nat’l Wildlife Refuge and Tamarac Nat’l Wildlife Refuge Anthony Kern, Northland College Species Conservation 39
No Poster Image Available The Florida Orchid Restoration Partnership - Proactive Conservation of South Florida’s Native Orchids Through Collaborative Research and Mgmt Tim R. Johnson, University of Florida Species Conservation 40
No Poster Image Available Importance of marine resources to wolves on the Alaska Peninsula NWRs Dominique E. Watts, FWS Species Conservation 41
No Poster Image Available Dynamics of a harvested moose population in Southwest Montana Megan O’ Reilly, Jeffrey M. Warren, Bob Brannon, FWS Species Conservation 42
Wolf Kill rate on Moose Across Winter in a Low Density Ungulate Prey System No Information Currently Available Species Conservation 43
Survival and habitat Requirements of Desert Bighorn Sheep on Desert Nat’l Wildlife Refuge, Nevada Kathleen Longshore, USGS Species Conservation 44
Tule Elk Reintroduction Feasibility Study at the San Luis NWR Complex/Grasslands Ecological Area (GEA) in California Steven E. Greco, University of California Species Conservation 45
Winter Site Mgmt of Whooping Crane Reintroductions at Chassahowitzka NWR W. Boyd Blihovde, FWS Species Conservation 46
FWS Natural Resource Information Portal Reference Application Richard Easterbrook, FWS I&M 47
“One Health” in the Nat’l Wildlife Refuge System Thomas J. Roffe, FWS I&M 48
Why Let Your Biologists’ Boots be in the Dirt instead of Under a Desk Kathleen Blair, FWS I&M 49
Muleshoe Nat’l Wildlife Refuge – Hydrologic Monitoring Program Peter Burck, FWS I&M 50
Ecological Inventory, Monitoring, and Research in the Arctic Nat’l Wildlife Refuge David Payer, FWS I&M 51
The Nat’l Wildlife Refuge System Four-square Mile Breeding Waterfowl Habitat and Population Survey – 25 Years and Going Strong Brian Wangler, FWS I&M 52
Spatial and Temporal Variation in Wet Area of Wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Reg of North Dakota and South Dakota Neal Niemuth, FWS I&M 53
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey, and University of Florida Cooperative Research at Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee Nat’l Wildlife Refuge No Information Currently Available I&M 54
Caloosahatchee Conundrum: How can Science Change Water Policy in South Florida? Tara L. Wertz, FWS I&M 55
Comprehensive Marsh & Water Monitoring at Prime Hook Nat’l Wildlife Refuge in Response to Significiant Wetland Mgmt Challenges Susan Guiteras, FWS I&M 56
Plant Community Analysis of Native Prairies in the Detroit Lakes Wetland Mgmt District, MN Greg Hoch, FWS I&M 57
Science in the NWR System – bottomland hardwoods Jacob N. Straub, Mississippi State University I&M 58
Forest Ecological Assessment in Great Lakes Biological Network Refuges Lindsey M. Shartell, Michigan Technological University; Holly A. Petrillo, College of Natural Resources I&M 59
Intergrated Waterbird Mgmt and Monitoring Initiative John Stanton, FWS I&M 60
No Poster Image Available Does enzootic plague affect wild black-footed ferret survival in Montana? Randy Matchett, Charles M. Russell, FWS I&M 61
No Poster Image Available Monitoring Greater Sandhill Cranes on Modoc Nat’l Wildlife Refuge, California: Piecing Together a History of Greater Sandhill Cranes 1980-2010 Dominic Bachman, FWS I&M 62
No Poster Image Available Population Structure and Habitat Affinities of Blainville’s Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma blainvillii) in the Arena Plains Unit of the Merced Nat’l Wildlife Refuge Marina M. Gerson, California State University I&M 63
Application of a double-observer aerial line transect method to estimate brown bear population density in Southwestern Alaska No Information Currently Available I&M 64
Temporal use of the Nushagak Peninsula by wolves, Togiak Nat’l Wildlife Refuge, Southwestern Alaska No Information Currently Available I&M 65
Mgmt and Reproductive Performance of Bison (Bison bison) at the Nat’l Bison Range Michael Borgreen, FWS I&M 66
A subsistence Mgmt success story: Involving local communities in managing moose on Togiak Nat’l Wildlife Refuge No Information Currently Available I&M 67
Implications of Breeding Strategy for Cross-seasonal Contaminant Effects on Eggs: A Case Study with Lesser Scaup Jeffrey M. Warren, Kyle A. Cutting, FWS I&M 68
No Poster Image Available Growth and survival of Moapa dace in the Muddy River system: response to variable temperatures, flows, and habitat changes G. Gary Scoppettone, James R. Hatten, Thomas R. Batt, USGS Species Conservation 69
Contributions of Indigenous Knowledge to Fisheries Mgmt in Northwest Alaska Susan Georgette, FWS Social Sciences 70
Using the Past to Shape the Future: Contributions of Archaeology to the Nat’l Wildlife Refuge System Virginia Parks, FWS Social Sciences 71
No Poster Image Available Social Science and Economic Considerations for Fish and Wildlife Service & Refuge Mgmt and Planning Janet Carrier Adie, FWS Social Sciences 72
No Poster Image Available Decision Analysis and Conservation of Coastal Wildlife in Puerto Rico Louise B. Alexander Habitat Restoration and Mgmt 73
Looking Beyond the Refuge Boundaries:  Analysis Process and Land Protection Proposal, Turnbull NWR CCP Sharon Selvaggio, FWS Habitat Restoration and Mgmt 74
A tool for Prioritizing Mgmt at Morris WMD No Information Currently Available Habitat Restoration and Mgmt 75
Development of a Habitat Decision Support Model for Comprehensive Conservation Planning No Information Currently Available Habitat Restoration and Mgmt 76
Using a hydro-geomorphic assessment as a basis for identifying ecosystem restoration and Mgmt options for Benton Lake Nat’l Wildlife Refuge Kathleen Burchett, FWS Habitat Restoration and Mgmt 77
Estimating basal area of oak woodland and savanna using moderate-resolution satellite imagery Peter Wolter, Elizabeth Berkley, Scott Peckham, FWS Habitat Restoration and Mgmt 78
Mapping Pollution Risk Using GIS-Based Mgmt Tools for the Rainwater Basin Wetlands of Nebraska John Riens, FWS Habitat Restoration and Mgmt 79
Assessment of Macroinvertebrate Health and Agricultural Chemical Exposure on Waterfowl Production Areas in Nebraska’s rainwater Basin Wetland Mgmet District John Riens, FWS Green Bay ES FO, Habitat Restoration and Mgmt 80
Restoration of Prairie Landscapes Using Native Multi-Species Mixtures and their Productivity Related to Prairie Nesting Waterfowl and Neo-tropical Migrant Songbirds Mark R. Fisher, FWS Habitat Restoration and Mgmt 81
Dakota Grassland Conservation Area Nick Kaczor, FWS, Habitat Resoration and Mgmt 82
Modifying Refuge Operations to meet needs of re-introduced listed species: A challenge from the San Joaquin River Restoration Program Stephanie Rickabaugh and Dennis Woolington, FWS; Katrina Harrison, USBR Habitat Restoration and Mgmt 83
No Poster Image Available South Carolina Sandhills Longleaf Pine Conservation Partnership No Information Currently Available Habitat Resoration and Mgmt 84
No Poster Image Available Managing grassland pastures at Humboldt Bay Nat’l Wildlife Refuge for Aleutian geese Dominic C. Bachman, FWS Habitat Restoration and Mgmt 85
Sediment Loading and Sources to Aggassiz Nat’l Wildlife Refuge Gregory A. Knutsen, FWS Habitat Restoration and Mgmt 86
Backwater Wetlands in the Floodplain of the Mississippi River Treat Nutrients which Reduces Gulf Hypoxia but at a Cost to Refuge Biological Diversity No Information Currently Available Habitat Restortaion and Mgmt (water quality) 87
Fire and Hardwood Regeneration in the Balconies Canyonlands NWR Carl Schwope, FWS Habitat Restoration and Mgmt 88
An Evaluation of Agricultural Tile Drainage Exposure and Effects To Trust Resources within Madison Wetland Mgmt District Matt Schwarz, FWS South Dakota FO, Habitat Restoration and Mgmt 89
Multi-Disciplinary Effectiveness Monitoring of the Ni-les’tun Restoration Project at Bandon Marsh Nat’l Wildlife Refuge No Information Currently Available Habitat Restoration and Mgmt 90
No Poster Image Available Incorporating Science into the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project, San Francisco Bay John Bourgeois, California State Coastal Conservancy Habitat Restoration and Mgmt 91
Vernal Pool Restoration on the San Diego Nat’l Wildlife Refuge John Martin, FWS Habitat Restoration and Mgmt 92
No Poster Image Available Mid-latitude stopover bioenergetics based on seed availability, waterfowl density, and depletion during spring migration Jeff Drahota, FWS Habitat Restoration and Mgmt 93
A Comparison of Plant Communities in Native and Restored Prairies in the Detroit Lakes Wetland Mgmt District, MN Greg Hoch, FWS, Detroit Lakes Wetland Mgmt District, Habitat Restoration and Mgmt 94
An EcoRegal Context to Forest Ecosystem Conservation and Restoration on Nat’l Wildlife Refuges of the Laurentian Mixed Forest Province R. Gregory Corace III, FWS; Lisa A Schulte, Iowa State University Habitat Restoration and Mgmt 95
Effects of cattle grazing on small mammal communities at Red Rocks Lake Nat’l Wildlife Refuge Nathan Whelham, Montana State University; Jeffrey Warren, FWS; Michael Frisina, FWS Habitat Restoration and Mgmt 96
No Poster Image Available Evaluation of Shorebird Response to Changes in Vegetation on Newly-constructed Islands within the Wisconsin Islands Closed Area, Navigation Pool 8 of the Upper Mississippi River Steven Houdek, Craig Kelling, Kevin Kenow, Patrick McKann, Brian Gray, James Rogala, and Pete Boma; USGS, Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center and Winona State University Habitat Restoration and Mgmt 97
No Poster Image Available Evaluation of a Voluntary Program to Curtail Boat Disturbance to Migrating Waterfowl Using the Wisconsin Islands Closed Area, Pool 8 of the Upper Mississippi River Kevin Kenow, Brian Gray, Pete Boma, Steve Houdek, Jessica Carson, and Pete Dummer; USGS, Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center and FWS Upper Mississippi River Nat’l Wildlife and Fish Refuge Habitat Restoration and Mgmt 98
Refuges fire Mgmt personnel use prescribed fire as a landscape-scale habitat restoration tool on private lands in Texas Wade Harrell, FWS Habitat Restoration and Mgmt 99
Sacramento NWRC: Using conservation easements and incentive programs to protect and restore wetlands at the landscape scale in the North Central Valley of California Craig Isola, FWS Habitat Restoration and Mgmt 100