*All Final Vision Products are available at www.fws.gov/refuges/vision. 

Final Products Include: 

Environmental Education Strategic Plan

Interpretation Strategic Plan

Planning for Climate Change on the National Wildlife Refuge System

Biological Carbon Sequestration Accomplishments Report 2009-2013

Strategy to Increase Quality Hunting and Fishing on National Wildlife Refuges

Friends, Volunteers, and Community Partnerships Staff Training

Climate Change Communications and Engagement Strategy for the National Wildlife Refuge System

7-Year Inventory and Monitoring Plan

Friends Partnership Mentoring Program Action Plan 

Introduction to Social Media and “How To” Guide 

Volunteer and Partner Involvement in the National Wildlife Refuge System 

A Landscape-Scale Approach to Refuge System Planning

National Wildlife Refuge System Land Protection Projects -
An Assessment of Land Protection Projects: A Plan for Strategic Growth 

Guide for Employee Development


Below are draft products available for public comment on this website’s social network. These draft products have been developed by the nine implementation teams tasked with fulfilling the recommendations found in Conserving the Future: Wildlife Refuges and the Next Generation. You can view a list of the 24 recommendations, as well as the nine implementation team work plans.

Please sign-up or sign-in to the social network to view and comment on these draft products. Learn more about the social network and how it works here.

We encourage members to leave comments, edits, and suggestions in the comment sections of the groups within the social network. Members of the implementation teams will monitor comments with the hope of robust conversation that will enhance these draft products. 

You may also e-mail your comments to [email protected] or mail them to: 

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
NWRS-DVSC, Suite 634
4401 North Fairfax Drive
Arlington, VA 22203
Attn: Vision Implementation Coordinator

Below are links to the products currently available for comment, along with the implementation team responsible for each product, as well as the comment period dates. You will find all documents available for comment in the “Documents” Tab in each Group in the social network.

Any questions may be directed to [email protected]


 Urban Wildlife Refuge Initiative Implementation Team: Draft Urban Standards of Excellence (Comment Period: Now through September 20, 2013)



Hunting, Fishing, & Outdoor Recreation Implementation Team: Draft Hunting and Fishing Strategic Plan (Comment Period: Extended through September 15, 2013)



Interpretation & Environmental Education Implementation Team: Draft Environmental Education Strategic Plan (Comment Period: Tuesday, May 14 – Friday, June 28



Interpretation & Environmental Education Implementation Team: Draft Interpretation Strategic Plan (Comment Period: Tuesday, March 26 – Thursday, May 9



Community Partnerships Implementation Team: Draft Friends Mentoring Action Plan (Comment Period: Wednesday, January 30 – Friday, March 15



Community Partnerships Implementation Team: Draft Strategic Plan for Volunteers, Friends Organizations, & Community Partners (Comment Period: Friday, December 21 – Friday, February 8



Communications Implementation Team: Draft Strategic Communications Plan 




Leadership Development Council: Reaching Your Full Potential: An E-Guide for Employee Development (Only available to FWS Employees)