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Handbook for community partners, volunteers and Friends (6 posts)

  • Profile picture of Anna Harris Anna Harris said 6 months ago:

    Has anyone been to the Festival of the Cranes at Bosque del Apache and would you agree it’s a good case study for putting on a special event?

  • Jim Nosler said 5 months, 2 weeks ago:

    The index looks very thorough, but frankly I don’t know that an encyclopedic reference will ever address the unique needs in all communities and will likely be reinventing the wheel to some degree. Across the system, there are some fundamental differences like membership vs. non, how many board members are needed, whether Staff supports the needs of Friends or the other way around, etc. A much simpler guide to existing nonprofit resources, best practices, and templates could be compiled and made available as an online resource. Many of us live and work in communities that have strong support systems for nonprofits and this level of catering to those who don’t seems interesting. Robert’s Rules, tax implications of lobbying, and audits are three things that do seem like opportunities for Friends and learning, but an expectation that FWS field staff become expert in nonprofit management seems a tiny bit unsustainable in e current climate, just as Friends becoming Biologists would be.

  • Jim Nosler said 5 months, 2 weeks ago:

    I guess I am spoiled by having a really great nonprofit resource in Texas, TANO, and we must not be the only case. Building capacity and efficacy within the nonprofit sector is a common priority and a core competency that transcends fields and locations. FWS would do best to adopt a clear focus on having Friends groups support refuges and not building a system for local refuge staff to support Friends. I see the dilemma in our area and it is worth careful study for all parties.

  • Joanna Webb said 5 months, 1 week ago:

    Excellent comments Jim! The more that Friends leverage outside resources, such as you have mentioned with your local TANO, the better. However, many Friends organizations are struggling with life cycle issues and don’t know what to do.

    Building a self-sustaining Friends and/or volunteer program for the Refuge System is exactly what we are trying to figure out how to do during this vision implementation process. How can it be done? More over, how can we leverage the wealth of resources within our own Friends organizations to build a self-sustaining Friends program?

  • Joanna Webb said 5 months, 1 week ago:

    Here’s another great comment on the handbook outline from a Friend, Ann Marie Mason Morrison: It is a very through outline…however volunteers and Friends can be two separate groups. We have alot of volunteers that are not Friends. It seems that it could be two outlines. As as active Friend’s member – support from refuge staff to accomplish our goals, in which the refuge benefits, is one of my big concerns. Whether it’s having the correct tools i.e. computers, equipment or training. So that the Friend group can become self-sustained and grow. Addressing communication between Friend’s and staff is another issue that can always be improved. Recruiting active Friend’s and volunteers and retaining those with specific skills (marketing, fundraisier, grant writing) is something that our refuge has been struggling with.

  • Profile picture of Daniel Price Daniel Price said 5 months, 1 week ago:

    So far I like the outline. But I am waiting for the details in the full version. It will be important that everything is clear and concise so as not to lead to confusion and frustration. So far so good.