Relevance to Changing America Team,
I’ve enjoyed reading the new vision document, as well as Brian’s comments. I have to admit that I am struggling a bit with the whole “developing an ecological conscience of ALL Americans” concept as well. I realize that you may not have intended for it to come across as such. According to Freeman Tilden, effective interpretation begins with creating curiosity and awareness, which leads to understanding. With understanding, only then can we attempt to change values. However, it is best to allow people to come to their own conclusions and develop their own values if given the proper facts.
There are a few items within the document that jumped out at me upon a first read that I would like to provide comment.
Page 6: Recommendations for Being Integral to Communities
5th Bullet: “Develop a Friends group or volunteer program at every staffed refuge that does not now have one.”
Depending on the issues at a particular refuge, it may not be possible, needed, or cost effective. One size does not fit all.
6th Bullet: “Create a campaign to grow the Refuge Friends membership to 1 million people…” Is this a national or local effort? If we intend to help our friends build the memberships to 1 million people, we need to work with our friends organizations to create a plan (and resources) to sustain those memberships beyond the initial first year? Right now, Friends group membership benefits range from nothing to everything, based on the individual capabilities. People don’t have incentive to renew their membership to organizations that don’t provide benefits. I would argue that the quality (= renewed memberships), not number of new memberships (possibility of just one year), is what we should focus our efforts on. Increased quality in membership services and benefits will lead to an increase in both new and renewed memberships.
Page 7: Recommendations for Communicating the Benefits of Nature
Bullets 5 and 6: Refuge websites should be given equal emphasis with ‘new media’. Social media does not replace websites. In order for social media to be successful, relevant and competitive websites are needed.
Page 8: Recommendations for Expanding Conservation Education & School Partnerships
Bullet 1: “On refuges with visitor services staff, establish at least one educational partnership with a school within a reasonable driving distance of the refuge and develop daily or frequent repeated visits program.”
This is another one size does not fit all example. It is a massive leap to assume that just because there is a visitor services staff at a refuge, that the staff (maybe just one) is able to accommodate schools visits at all, let alone daily. If you are interested in a deeper perspective on this based on my direct experience, please feel free to contact me for more information. Bottom line, it’s important that you quantify “visitor service staff” and other variables that individual refuges may be dealing with.
What is missing from this entire document is how we can pull together as a System, instead of moving forward as individual refuges, to accomplish outreach and education goals “for the System as a whole”. We have 553 refuges across the nation. That means 553 communities! Smaller refuges with less resources are not able to implement this type of vision, which results in communities and refuges being left behind.
As in the Friends group membership numbers example, I believe it is most prudent to improve the quality of outreach and education at all stations possible before we look at doing more only with refuges that have the resources.
Page 9: Broadening Refuge Visitation and Public Awareness
2nd Paragraph: “The number of people engaged in wildlife observation on refuges…is on the rise.” This statement may warrant a citation.
Page 10-11: Recommendations for Facilitating Wildlife Experiences on NWR’s for all Americans
1st Bullet: “…establish 10 new refuges in or adjacent to the appropriate American cities.” Under what authority would we establish those refuges? Would it be more appropriate to develop partnerships with city/county recreation areas/parks to accomplish facilitating wildlife experiences to reach the urban populace such as you have suggested on page 12 under “Our Recommendations for Expanding Partnerships and Alliances”?
7th Bullet: “Double the number of youth participating in refuge hunting and fishing opportunities over the next 5 years.” This seems a very specific number without a specific rationale or outcome.
Page 12: Inspiring Collaboration
1st Paragraph: “As America confronts the challenges of increased population and urbanization, nature’s benefits are becoming more sought after and valued.” A citation may be warranted for this statement.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to comment. Happy New Year!