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Relevance to a Changing America

Public Group active 54 minutes ago

This group focuses on assessing trends in America’s demographics and an expanding urban landscape to better understand how the National Wildlife Refuge System can raise its place in the consciousness of Americans. Issues for the group include visitor use, connecting people with nature, using technology for communication and education, and the System’s important relationship with Friends organizations.

Visit this group’s forum to comment on or add new discussion topics.

Find the latest draft vision document in the document list.

Visitors to the website will have the opportunity to comment on an integrated draft vision document in late January. Check periodically for updates.

Learn more about the Core Teams of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service employees working on the draft vision documents.

Friends/Partners Support through Social Networking (7 posts)

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  • avatar Joanna Webb said 3 weeks, 6 days ago:

    This site is connecting people from all over the country and is serving as a forum to share some great ideas that otherwise would have gone unheard. Having immersed myself in it of late, I can see that something like this would be fantastic for our friends and partners!

    Friends and staff always express how they walk away from state, regional, and national conferences and trainings re-energized from networking with others that are doing the same things as they are, as well as struggling with the same issues.

    What if friends had a national social media site, similar to this one, set up to network and share ideas? It could also serve as a one-stop shopping for all resources for friends, where they could go to download toolkits.

  • Avatar Image Betsy Burch said 3 weeks, 6 days ago:

    Perfect idea Joanna! Been thinking about the possibilities for this kind of thing for a long time! Let’s just get going and create it!

    Who wants to help us?

  • avatar Joan said 3 weeks, 4 days ago:

    NWRA is creating a social networking site to replace our current our list serv. The site will be a place for real time dialogue, library of past topics, capacity building resources and more. Joanna and Betsy, we want Friends and the Service involved in creating the site. If Friends and partners would like to be part of a setting the direction and developing this site please let me know.

  • avatar Joanna Webb said 3 weeks, 4 days ago:

    Great news Joan and thank you NWRA! Will it also be a Wordpress site?

  • Avatar Image Betsy Burch said 3 weeks, 4 days ago:

    Happy to help! And, looking forward to this project as a great way for Friends’ groups to connect.

    Betsy Burch

  • Avatar Image Betsy Burch said 3 weeks, 4 days ago:

    Typepad is also really worth investigating as while it does have a small monthly fee, the features it allows and the security of the sites are worth the fee. And, the way in which this Vision site functions is also a potential platform.

    Thanks for beginning this process for Refuge Friends, Joan!


  • avatar Joan said 3 weeks, 4 days ago:

    Joanna, we’re open to using other social media software platforms. Wordpress seems a tad slow. if you have any suggestions please let me know. Betsy, I’ll take a look at Typepad.

    This Thursday, the 16th, NWRA is hosting a webinar for Friends about the Vision process. If anyone would like to join in please let me know.