Interpretation and Education (Recommendations 19 and 20)
Public Group active 4 days, 19 hours agoShare and discuss ideas about implementation of the Conserving the Future vision for the Refuge System. Click on the Discussion Topics tab to view discussion threads for Recommendations 19 and 20.
Heather Jerue posted an update in the group Interpretation and Education (Recommendations 19 and 20) 2 weeks, 5 days ago
Thank you everyone for your comments! The Interpretation & Environmental Education implementation team has received all comments submitted.
Thanks again!
Laura Bonneau posted an update in the group Interpretation and Education (Recommendations 19 and 20) 4 weeks, 1 day ago
Thanks to all who put this document together – great work! Here are a few thoughts and comments.
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- Executive summary says there are 7 strategic goals, but lists 5.
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- I am glad we are focusing on place-based education, as I feel this is really a strength of the National Wildlife Refuge System. With refuges in so many places, we…[Read more] -
Kate Toniolo uploaded the file: Draft EE Plan, R5 Comments to Interpretation and Education (Recommendations 19 and 20) 4 weeks, 1 day ago
These are the consolidated comments for Region 5 on the Draft EE Strategy.
Cortney Solum posted an update in the group Interpretation and Education (Recommendations 19 and 20) 1 month ago
I would really like to see the plan for Environmental Education focus on students’ “sense of place.” In the section ‘What is Our Vision?’ I appreciate the emphasis on quality over quantity in the number of participants. Also, repeat visitation is the key to creating a connection to a refuge and understanding that this “place” is there for them.
Molly posted an update in the group Interpretation and Education (Recommendations 19 and 20) 1 month, 2 weeks ago
I should clarify and say that my comments posted below are in regards to the EE Strategy. Thanks!
Molly posted an update in the group Interpretation and Education (Recommendations 19 and 20) 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Thank you to all the fine people who have devoted their time and energy to put this draft together. It has come a long way! Thank you for the opportunity to comment on it. Here are my ideas, questions, comments. They are meant to be informational and not personal in any way. I hope they may be helpful.
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Are there 5 strategic goals…[
Mara Koenig posted an update in the group Interpretation and Education (Recommendations 19 and 20) 2 months ago
Sowing the Seed of Wonder is very comprehensive for the EE that is conducted and should be conducted at field stations and other program divisions within the Service. Here are my comments,
1. Standard #2 does not reflect the vision of the age in which the Service should be targeting for EE programs. The vision states Grades 3-6 and the standard…[Read more] -
Heather Jerue uploaded the file: Draft Environmental Education Strategic Plan to Interpretation and Education (Recommendations 19 and 20) 2 months, 1 week ago
The draft strategy for Environmental Education calls for a comprehensive inventory of program resources, staff and delivery methods as the first step in establishing national and field station goals for transforming more of America’s youth and families into America’s conservation stewards. The draft strategy, developed by the Conserving the…[Read more]
Faye Goolrick posted an update in the group Interpretation and Education (Recommendations 19 and 20) 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Terrific to see this document moving forward — it will be such an asset to all of us working in this field! I have one observation: On page 4, under VISION, the first entry under “Interpretation in the Refuge system should” is the bullet-point: “communicate our mission.” All subsequent bullet-points are directly related to interpretation…[Read more]
Rebekah Martin posted an update in the group Interpretation and Education (Recommendations 19 and 20) 2 months, 2 weeks ago
I’m really happy with the draft strategic plan! I am glad that you emphasized developing knowledge and skills in all employees, not just those in the visitor services series. Bravo!
I had just a couple of comments/questions:
Strategy 1.2 Action 1 – I understand the background driving this, but I’m unclear exactly what the action here is. If…[Read more] -
Sandy K Mickey posted an update in the group Interpretation and Education (Recommendations 19 and 20) 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Here are my comments, in Track Changes in a Word document. Have also emailed them in. Thank you! Overall a very good job on this! And thank you for making it so concise.
Sandy K Mickey uploaded new file(s): draftinterpretationstrategicplan_sandymickey-comments.docx to Interpretation and Education (Recommendations 19 and 20) -
Jennifer Heroux posted an update in the group Interpretation and Education (Recommendations 19 and 20) 3 months, 1 week ago
Comments and questions for the Draft Interp Strategic Plan:
p. 6. Strategy 1.2, Action 1: would someone explain this proposed action in more detail? Would the end result of this be changing from VS staff from the 0025 series to 0401?
p. 8 Strategy 3.5, Action 1: strongly support this! There are great opportunities to increase capacity for staff…[Read more]
Thanks so much for your comments Jennifer! The thought behind the series-change is to find a way to recruit folks who have the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to create and deliver interpretive programs and products. There are no (as OPM calls them) ‘positive education requirements’ for the park ranger series. In our agency, to be a…[Read more]
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Sorry – these are my comments on the Draft EE Strategy!