Dave joined the group
Conservation Planning and Design 2 years ago
Dave commented on the blog post Transfer of Intellectual Capital 2 years, 2 months ago
A couple of thoughts: – I’m glad to see communities of practice mentioned again. See my comment in the previous section (or maybe the one before that). – It is critical that you understand that a “knowledge system” is a social system that is often supported by technology – it is NOT a computer system. [...]
Dave commented on the blog post Increased Productivity 2 years, 2 months ago
A couple of thoughts. (Note, I am a volunteer and friends group board member who has worked in technology for 26 years) Communities of Practice – I have been involved with these and have seen them be very successful when done right. I recommend following the CoP practices suggested by Richard McDermott and Etienne Wenger. [...]
Dave commented on the blog post The Future of Fire and Conservation 2 years, 3 months ago
I would like to see fire used more frequently on refuges. Before fires were suppressed by European settlers, I would guess that most habitats experienced low-intensity fires fairly often. In fact where I live the native people deliberately set fires every year, to maintain large oak savannas. So these days instead of frequent, low-intensity fires [...]
Dave contributed to discussion topic Tomorrow's Refuge Friends are today's children in the group
Relevance to a Changing America: 2 years, 4 months ago
Michele – Here’s my post with a link to the photos: http://americaswildlife.org/members/davemiller/activity/5397/ As far as most/least used features of the park, I’d guess that the basketball hoop gets the most use, followed by the swings, then the discovery garden. The play field gets the least use (and requires the most maintenance, by the way). I [...]
Dave commented on the blog post Communicating the Benefits of Nature 2 years, 4 months ago
Amen to a makeover of the uniform! Also please consider how volunteers can identify themselves. The FWS gave me a vest and a baseball cap. I don’t like wearing a hat, and lots of times it is too hot to wear the vest, or I am doing work that would destroy the vest (e.g. tromping [...]
Dave commented on the blog post The Next Generation of Conservationists 2 years, 4 months ago
1. You have a typo – “motive” should be “motivate”. 2. If I were king, I would charge a “screen tax” on electronic entertainment devices, services and software that are aimed at anyone under age 20. The money would be used to get kids outside. 3. I believe that “outdoor school” programs are quite effective [...]
Dave commented on the blog post A Sense of Place, a Sense of Community 2 years, 4 months ago
I agree, this section is very well written! Re: reporting on ecosystem services. I would guess that most people don’t have a clue what an ‘ecosystem service’ really means, nor do they care how many dollars of services a refuge provides. It is not something that they face in their daily life. On the other [...]
Dave commented on the blog post Broadening Refuge Visitation and Use 2 years, 4 months ago
I agree that we need to be very careful here. A wildlife refuge with lots of people but no wildlife isn’t much of a wildlife refuge. On the other hand, currently many refuges allow hunting, which seems to be about the worst thing you can do to wildlife (and I am not alone in that [...]
Dave commented on the blog post Invasive Species 2 years, 4 months ago
1. I encourage you to read Toby Hemenway’s article on Invasive Species: “Native Plants: Restoring to an Idea” http://patternliteracy.com/nativeplantsres.html He makes some good points. Although I don’t agree with all his assumptions & conclusions. 2. IMHO the best way to deal with invasive plants long-term is through public education. If I were…[Read more]
Dave commented on the blog post Farming 2 years, 4 months ago
I did not realize there was a lot of agriculture happening on the refuges. I recommend that you adopt permaculture practices for your agriculture efforts. Please see my posting to the Bold Ideas forum: http://ideas.americaswildlife.org/forums/96077-bold-ideas/suggestions/1537745-look-for-intersections-between-permaculture-and-re?ref=title
If…[Read more]
Dave posted an update in the group
Relevance to a Changing America: 2 years, 6 months ago
As promised, here are some photos of the ”Discovery Garden” in the park near my house. This is a natural ’play structure’ that is very popular with younger kids.
Dave posted on the forum topic Tomorrow's Refuge Friends are today's children in the group
Relevance to a Changing America: 2 years, 6 months ago
I’ll try to get some photos of the discovery garden this weekend and post a link to them. Tracy, you say “I want to meld my love of wildlife and wild things together in these garden projects.” Have you ever heard of permaculture (permanent agriculture)? It is a method of garden/farm design which mimics nature, [...]
Dave posted on the forum topic Tomorrow's Refuge Friends are today's children in the group
Relevance to a Changing America: 2 years, 6 months ago
Couple of thoughts: 1. Doesn’t the FWS require that all visitor recreation on refuges be “wildlife-dependent”? i.e. kids may come to fish, hunt, watch birds, take pictures, or go on a field trip, but they would never be allowed just “play in the woods” (which I’m guessing many of us here did as kids). Perhaps [...]
Dave joined the group
Conservation Delivery 2 years, 6 months ago
Dave joined the group
Relevance to a Changing America 2 years, 6 months ago
Dave, that is fantastic about the Discovery Garden, I’m surprised in this day and age of being overly Safety Consicous that it was allowed with the hard rocks, splinters from the logs etc. I’m amazed as you had mentioned that when we were kids, we played in the forests and refuges and parks all day long. Yes I admit I picked up a few Frogs and…[Read more]