Nathan Caldwell commented on the blog post Draft Vision 1 year ago · View
Nathan Caldwell, Region Nine, Division of Visitor Services and Communications, Branch of Visitor Services, National Wildlife Refuge System Comments on the NWRS “Conserving the Future” Vision Document. Human-Nature I applaud the recommendations to interpret the compatibility procedures and emphasis on the “Big 6” more broadly. This should indeed bring a larger audience of conservation minded [...]
Nathan Caldwell uploaded the file: Transit and Trails Connections:Assessement of Visitor Access to NWRs to
Conservation Planning and Design 1 year, 3 months ago · View
The “Transit and Trails Connections: Assessment of Visitor Access to NWRs” is now completed! The publication was done by the Volpe Center, a part of the Research, Innovation, and Technology Administration of the DOT, and paid for with Federal Transit Administration funds from the Paul S. Sarbanes Transit in the Parks (and other Federal lands!) Program research set-aside. It has major implication for conservation planning, as transportation is a major land use that affects refuge resources, as well as the way the public and staff access our lands, and get around once they arrive. The Service is also in the midst of several Long Range Transportation Planning efforts, working with our partners in the Refuge Roads Program, the Office of Federal Lands Highway, a program of the FHWA. A lot of the material in the report will be incorporated into the National and Regional Long Range Transportation Plans that are in the works. Look for the Region One final draft later this month, and hopefully not too long afterwards, the Alaska Multi-Agency LRTP draft will be out.
The full document has a lot of refuge specific detail in it. The document I just up-loaded is only the findings and recommendation sections the full report, as I know not all of you have the time or interest in all the data. The full document can be found right now at
the website for the Sarbanes Program. It will be available in a web-specific version soon on a new section of the NWRS Transportation web page. I’ll let the group know when that happens. -
Nathan Caldwell posted an update in the group
Beyond The Boundaries: 1 year, 3 months ago · View
I just joined the group and audaciously uploaded the group’s first document, the Findings and Recommendations sections of a just completed document ”Transit and Trails Connections: An Assessment of Access to NWRs.” This study of 142 refuges was done for the NWRS by the Volpe Center, a DOT group in the Research and Innovative Technology Administration. It was paid for with Federal Transit Administration funds from the Paul S. Sarbanes Transit in the Parks (and other Federal Lands!) research set-aside funds. Since these connections are from off the refuges to inside, I figured it was perfect for exposure to and discussion by this group. Have at it! The full document is at
http://www.fta.dot.gov/documents/Transit_Trails_Layout_Final_123010.pdf -
Nathan Caldwell uploaded the file: Tranisit and Trails Connections: An Assesment of Visitor Access to NWRs to
Beyond The Boundaries 1 year, 3 months ago · View
The “Transit and Trails Connections: Assessment of Visitor Access to NWRs” is now completed! The publication was done by the Volpe Center, a part of the Research, Innovation, and Technology Administration of the DOT, and paid for with Federal Transit Administration funds from the Paul S. Sarbanes Transit in the Parks (and other Federal lands!) Program research set-aside. It has major implication for conservation planning, as transportation is a major land use that affects refuge resources, as well as the way the public and staff access our lands, and get around once they arrive. The Service is also in the midst of several Long Range Transportation Planning efforts, working with our partners in the Refuge Roads Program, the Office of Federal Lands Highway, a program of the FHWA. A lot of the material in the report will be incorporated into the National and Regional Long Range Transportation Plans that are in the works. Look for the Region One final draft later this month, and hopefully not too long afterwards, the Alaska Multi-Agency LRTP draft will be out.
The full document has a lot of refuge specific detail in it. The document I just up-loaded is only the findings and recommendation sections the full report, as I know not all of you have the time or interest in all the data. The full document can be found right now at http://www.fta.dot.gov/documents/Transit_Trails_Layout_Final_123010.pdf the website for the Sarbanes Program. It will be available in a web-specific version soon on a new section of the NWRS Transportation web page. I’ll let the group know when that happens.
Nathan Caldwell joined the group
Beyond The Boundaries 1 year, 3 months ago · View
Nathan Caldwell posted a new activity comment: 1 year, 3 months ago · View
Hey Mark
I was hoping to see a Paul Sarbanes Program proposal from Bear River and Brigham City. Both Bob Barrett and the planner from BC told me something was in the works. Do you know what happened? I should just ask Bob, though. He and I chatted back in June when I dropped by the BR Visitor Center on my way back from the Midyear Transportation Needs for the Parks and Public Lands meeting in Grand Tetons. Bob and I got our permanent status as NPS park rangers at Boston Nat’l Historic Park. I was an LE ranger back then, 1989!
Nathan Caldwell uploaded the file: Transit and Trails Connections:Assessement of Visitor Access to NWRs to
Conservation Planning and Design 1 year, 3 months ago · View
The “Transit and Trails Connections: Assessment of Visitor Access to NWRs” is now completed! The publication was done by the Volpe Center, a part of the Research, Innovation, and Technology Administration of the DOT, and paid for with Federal Transit Administration funds from the Paul S. Sarbanes Transit in the Parks (and other Federal lands!) Program research set-aside. It has major implication for conservation planning, as transportation is a major land use that affects refuge resources, as well as the way the public and staff access our lands, and get around once they arrive. The Service is also in the midst of several Long Range Transportation Planning efforts, working with our partners in the Refuge Roads Program, the Office of Federal Lands Highway, a program of the FHWA. A lot of the material in the report will be incorporated into the National and Regional Long Range Transportation Plans that are in the works. Look for the Region One final draft later this month, and hopefully not too long afterwards, the Alaska Multi-Agency LRTP draft will be out.
The full document has a lot of refuge specific detail in it. The document I just up-loaded is only the findings and recommendation sections the full report, as I know not all of you have the time or interest in all the data. The full document can be found right now at
the website for the Sarbanes Program. It will be available in a web-specific version soon on a new section of the NWRS Transportation web page. I’ll let the group know when that happens. -
Nathan Caldwell posted a new activity comment: 1 year, 3 months ago · View
Tualatin River was an impetus for the beginnings of the Transit and Trails Connection Project. I was the R1 Transportation Coordinator when the first Public Land Highway Discretionary fund earmark came in to begin opening the refuge to the public. I’ve actually taken the bus from the refuge to downtown Portland and then the light rail to the Regional Office. Now if bike access to the refuge from the surrounding area could be improved…
There are several more NWRs accessible by transit now, and we’d like to get them to clearly post that on their profiles page and own websites. Rural refuges are also accessible, as I just found out that Missisquoi NWR north of Burlington, VT, is on a local transit line.
In reply to - Berk Moss posted on the forum topic Please check out the Transit and Trails Connections to NWRs document in the group Relevance to a Changing America : Great work. Let me just add that the Tualatin River NWR here in Oregon may be one of a very few Refuges that has a transit agency stop at our visitor center [...] · View -
Nathan Caldwell started the forum topic Please check out the Transit and Trails Connections to NWRs document in the group
Relevance to a Changing America: 1 year, 3 months ago · View
We have just completed “Transit and Trails Connections: Assessment of Visitor Access to NWRs”, using the Volpe Center, a part of the Research, Innovation, and Technology Administration of the DOT, and paid for with Federal Transit Administration funds from the Sarbanes Program research set-aside. Using the recommendations,and promoting the existing access by transit and trails [...]
Nathan Caldwell uploaded the file: Finding and Recommendations of the Transit and Trails Connections: Assessment of Visitor Access to NWRs to
Relevance to a Changing America 1 year, 3 months ago · View
Folks–Realizing that the T&T Connections document has a lot of detail in it, I have extracted just the findings and recommendation sections from it for those of you who may not have the time or interest in all the data.
A lot of this material will be incorporated into the National and Regional Long Range Transportation Plans that are in the works. Look for the Region One final draft later this month, and hopefully not too long afterwards, the Alaska Multi-Agency LRTP draft will be out.
Nathan Caldwell uploaded the file: Transit and Trails Connections: Assessment of Visitor Access to NWRs to
Relevance to a Changing America 1 year, 3 months ago · View
This is the just completed “Transit and Trails Connections: Assessment of Visitor Access to NWRs”. The publication was done by the Volpe Center, a part of the Research, Innovation, and Technology Administration of the DOT, and paid for with Federal Transit Administration funds from the Paul S. Sarbanes Transit in the Parks (and other Federal lands!) Program research set-aside. Soon to come will be a web-specific version of the document as well that will go on a new Transit and Trails webpage on the NWRS Transportation portion of the NWRS homepage.
Nathan Caldwell joined the group
Conservation Planning and Design 1 year, 5 months ago · View
Nathan Caldwell joined the group
Relevance to a Changing America 1 year, 5 months ago · View
Nathan Caldwell became a registered member 1 year, 5 months ago · View
Hi Nathan, I read or skimmed through most of the report that you posted. Very interesting. Though it was only a cross section of NWR in general it gave me something to think about at our own refuge. We are right off a major interstate and located near a thriving community. The City (Brigham City Utah) isn’t big enough for a Transit system but there is talk about the commuter train that runs across the valley to extend service to our area in the next few years. Being a ”Term” employee I have no clue how long I’ll be here or with the Service but while I’m here I would like to make as big an impact as I can. It would be nice to find a shuttle from the commuter line to the refuge on a daily basis to bring birders to our refuge. I am one that always believed in the ”If you build it, they will come” attitude.