shari welsh commented on the blog post Chapter 1: Introduction 1 year ago · View
Killing is not ok as it always seems to be the go to solution for most humans to everything !
shari welsh commented on the blog post Chapter 1: Introduction 1 year ago · View
Killing is not ok as it always seems to be the go to solution for most humans. I agree Tara, animals have a right to exist with out humans profiting from them or murdering them by hunting or so called” management “-that is really murder; : Finally there’s “animal damage control,” the government’s predator-killing program. [...]
shari welsh commented on the blog post Chapter 1: Introduction 1 year ago · View
We need to protect native species like mountain lions also to keep a balance that humans screw up. Humans do not have the right to kill everything, that seems to be most humans answer/ justification for killing everything. We do have a population problem -there are too many humans screwing everything up. And i do [...]
shari welsh commented on the blog post Fire Management and Emergency Preparedness 1 year ago · View
Fire is a natural part of the ecosystem, if it is too strongly suppressed mega infernos are the result. Get welfare cattle/sheep off our lands & have them pay for all the damage they have caused & restore our native plant species, water ways, soil can be restored. Protect wild horses/burros and stop hunting so [...]
shari welsh commented on the blog post Invasive Species 1 year ago · View
I agree Carl- they lack interest as Salazar is a cattle rancher and MILLIONS of WELFARE CATTLE are the main cause of noxious weed explosion on our public lands and graze on public lands and on OUR LANDS managed by the USF&WS also. So their plan is to mobilize an army of volunteers to clean [...]
shari welsh commented on the blog post Draft Vision 1 year ago · View
END; hunting, welfare cattle/sheep grazing / farming/and to stop murdering our wildlife on refuges/public lands/wilderness. I am also concerned about their partnerships they are talking about having with state FISH/GAME/WILDLIFE SERVICES, as here in Ca our STATE FISH/GAME/WILDLIFE SERVICES can not hunt on CA refuges and are pushing too change it as they only serve [...]
shari welsh commented on the blog post Welcome to Your National Wildlife Refuge 1 year ago · View
Protect animals and humans from hunters, kick off welfare ranchers , farming, protect wild horses, burros and all wildlife.
shari welsh commented on the blog post Science-based Wildlife and Habitat Management 1 year ago · View
Agencies run by the interests of hunters and welfare cattle ranchers do not have any scientific integrity.
shari welsh commented on the blog post Chapter 2: Conserving the Future 1 year ago · View
http://animalrights.about.com/od/wildlife/f/HuntingAccident.htm ” Question: How Many People are Killed or Injured in Hunting Accidents? Answer: According to the International Hunter Education Association, approximately 1,000 people in the US and Canada are accidentally shot by hunters every year, and just under a hundred of those accidents are fatalities. Most victims are hunters, but non-hunters are also sometimes [...]
shari welsh commented on the blog post Chapter 2: Conserving the Future 1 year ago · View
Oh and no areas are beyond repair, and get all welfare cattle and sheep off all our public, refuge and any other of OUR lands. State and Federal Fish and Wildlife agencies again are accomplices in murdering wildlife and destroying our lands, water , wildlife, soil, native plants and causing noxious weed explosion by allowing [...]
shari welsh commented on the blog post Chapter 2: Conserving the Future 1 year ago · View
A refuge is a place of safety and that is much needed in America as wildlife is under siege. Hunting and fishing should not be allowed on refuges and wildlife is not anyones property. State and federal fish and wildlife services have been and are now not protecters of wildlife but prolific killers and accomplices [...]
shari welsh commented on the blog post Chapter 1: Introduction 1 year ago · View
A refuge is a place of safety and that is much needed in America as wildlife is under siege. Hunting and fishing should not be allowed on refuges and wildlife is not anyones property. State and federal fish and wildlife services have been and are now not protecters of wildlife but prolific killers and accomplices [...]
shari welsh became a registered member 1 year ago · View