The vision described in this draft document is just a beginning. It reflects the thoughtful deliberations of five core teams, informed by the commentary of hundreds. It is not yet complete, but it is ready now for broader discussion and your bold new ideas. After significant engagement and comment on the vision for the Refuge System, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will publish a version of the draft vision that reflects your comments in July 2011 and establish an implementation process that will guide the path ahead.

A final chapter summarizing our call to action will be written only after the critical input from reviewers like you when the revised draft vision is published in July of 2011.

The delivery of conservation on wildlife refuges must be in the context of the surrounding landscape, looking beyond boundaries and involving neighbors. This will require better conservation planning and design, enhanced by broad public involvement. It must be based on science, inclusiveness, and partnership. The Service’s shared responsibility and partnership with State fish and wildlife agencies is foundational to success. The Service’s long-standing partnership with America’s hunters and anglers remains an unwavering commitment.

We all must look to grow support of national wildlife refuges and look for new friends who love our nation’s wildlife heritage and America’s great outdoors to join us.

The need for clear vision is urgent. Thank you for taking the time to review the draft vision, share your comments and give your bold ideas. Comments on the draft vision will be accepted until April 22, 2011 – Earth Day.

Innovation and leadership are needed to build on the successes of the past to meet the challenges of conserving the future for the next generation. Join us in crafting this renewed vision for your National Wildlife Refuge System.