The Refuge System has definitive research needs. Research projects must have credible and defensible designs and modes of data analysis; results must be reported. Research should be backed by appropriate and consistent data acquisition protocols and data management systems. A deliberate research agenda complements science-based wildlife and habitat management and inventory and monitoring.

The Refuge System must commit to framing research targets with assumption-driven priorities, and ensure direct applicability to refuge management needs. Projects must be underpinned by peer reviewed, transparent designs and modes of data analysis. Rigor will remain appropriate to the priority of the issue and project scale. Refuge System scientists must routinely and transparently identify, challenge and articulate assumptions made with respect to management decisions. Those assumptions greatly influencing modeled outcomes, possessing high uncertainty, and substantially influencing decisions should be captured and elevated as research priorities.

National wildlife refuges serve as outdoor laboratories, providing opportunities for collaborations spanning multiple spatial scales. If the Refuge System identifies priority management-oriented research needs, it can encourage partnerships and the leveraging of funds. Additional collaboration with U.S. Geological Survey research centers and co-op units, climate science centers, universities and other research institutes is needed. Enhancing wildlife refuge facilities and infrastructure, such as bunkhouses and office space used to support research, can help entice partnerships.

Recommendation: Articulate and direct research applicable to wildlife refuges to meet the Refuge System’s research needs.

Land Management Research Demonstration Areas are places where new habitat management techniques and approaches are developed, implemented and showcased. Although they have received limited funding, they have been successful as centers of excellence in restoration and management science. They deserve national level support to encourage cross-regional and even continental and international-level research and to continue to build demonstration capacity that delivers findings to other wildlife refuges, partners and the public.

Recommendation: Review the operations of Land Management Research and Demonstration wildlife refuges, which have been established to increase research and strengthen the demonstration of science.

Recommendation: Support Land Management Research and Demonstration wildlife refuges that have been established and establish at least one Land Management Research and Demonstration wildlife refuge in each Landscape Conservation Cooperative to increase research and strengthen the demonstration of science.

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