The project for Conserving the Future: Wildlife Refuges and the Next Generation will deliver on three outcomes: articulate in a vision document the important work and future of the National Wildlife Refuge System, raise awareness of conservation on wildlife refuges, and foster new leaders for the conservation community and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and its National Wildlife Refuge System. 

The National Wildlife Refuge System’s new vision, Conserving the Future: Wildlife Refuges and the Next Generation, lays out 24 recommendations that 9 implementation teams are charged with fulfilling. The implementation of these recommendations are currently underway, and you can stay engaged and informed using 

You can help make this implementation process a success. There are several ways to participate:

Join the conversation

Sign-up for the social network if you haven’t already, or log-in using Facebook or your e-mail address.

Join the group conversations

Join any of the nine implementation team groups to review and comment on draft products, and to engage in the discussions happening in the social network.

Spread the word

Visit our products and resources page to view the vision document, Conserving the Future: Wildlife Refuges and the Next Generation, PowerPoint Presentations, Fact Sheets, and other helpful resources.

Stay up to date

Read the quarterly progress reports for all the latest on the implementation of the vision, and check out our blog for more updates and stories

Review and Comment on Draft Products

Draft products are available for public comment on this website’s social network. These draft products have been developed by the nine implementation teams tasked with fulfilling the recommendations found in Conserving the Future: Wildlife Refuges and the Next Generation. You can view a list of the 24 recommendations, as well as the nine implementation team work plans.

We encourage members to leave comments, edits, and suggestions in the comment sections of the groups within the social network. Members of the implementation teams will monitor comments with the hope of robust conversation that will enhance these draft products.